Saturday, October 22, 2011

~ We are getting close to the next deadlines....

October 31st, 2011 - All Hunt Applications Are Due
November 4th, 2011 - Announcement of First Draft Participants & Alternates
November 11th 2011 - First Walkthrough
November 18th, 2011 - Hunt Items Will Be Distributed
November 20th, 2011 - Final Walk-through For Signs

I am checking the list between those days to see who is part of group, who has their sign out etc. Announcement of the participants will be listed on a notecard and sent to each individual in the hunt in a box. If you do not have the group & the will be skipped and one of the ALTERNATES will take your place.

Friday, October 14, 2011


All inquiries about this hunt and any future hunts from TBF, meaning all questions and updates  can be foun on this blog or by contacting Kaori Fang. Do not under any circumstances contact Maezy Magic for your pack, group invites,  status on what we need and so forth. Contact only Kaori Fang. Thanks :)

Attention to all! We have reached the amount needed for the hunt... still doesn't mean to stop turning in your applications. What happens is that we situations where designers drop out and we need the spot filled simple as that. We will be in the designer review process from October 31st, 2011 to November 1st, 2011.  Notices to designers not complying with the simple requirement of being part of group as a designer and having the poster visible in their store will be sent on November 1st, 2011 or prior. If not compliance is not met by November 4th, 2011 they will be dropped and another designer will replace them. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Attention to all! Sponsor Spots are filled!

all sponsor spots have been filled for this hunt. regular spots are currently being reviewed to see if applicants have black friday listed in their groups. those who do not have it listed will be  dropped. we are also going to have a mini hunt as a little twist at the end for all the hardcore hunters out there, which will be comprised of if any extra stores that submitted their applications. if you wish to be adveertised on this blog and have a place at the little market at the beginning of the hunt please im kaori fang. thank you.